

(Last Updated November 2013)

The Frankston Australian Clay Target Club (FACTC) was officially opened in 1979 when the Australia and Frankston Gun Clubs merged to form one Club. Through this amalgamation the FACTC has historical links back to the Nobel Clay Bird Club, which was the first clay target shooting club established in Australia.

Membership is a privilege not a right

As a Member of FACTC, it is expected that all Members act responsibly. Any unsafe behavior or behavior that damages Club property, personal property or wildlife, will not be tolerated. On becoming a member, FACTC becomes your Club and it is expected that you value your membership and abide by the rules set out by the Club. “Do the right thing”.

Members are responsible for their own safety as well as the safety of others.

Members should not hesitate to remind other Members of the rules, should they not be conducting themselves in an appropriate manner. Members have an obligation to address any incidents that may occur or alternatively report these to the office so appropriate action can be taken or instruction given.

Who can shoot unsupervised on FACTC Grounds?

Only FACTC Club Members who have completed the induction session, ACTA Full Competitive Members or affiliates (ie F&G or SSAA Members) are allowed to shoot on the Club grounds.

Those wanting to join FACTC MUST complete the induction session which focuses on theoretical and practical safety on and around the grounds.

Can I bring a Guest?

Instruction of a non licensed person, or a person who is licensed but with no valid ACTA, FACTC or affiliate membership is only permitted by an experienced Club Member (preferably a Committee Member) and prior approval MUST be sought from the office.

On approval, the Member must only instruct one person at a time, and only single loading of the firearm is permitted (single barrel shooting.) The friend must not be left to shoot on their own.

Instruction must not be conducted on a ground being used by other Members.

Guests of Members may only attend the Club on two occasions and must sign the Visitor’s book each time. On the third visit, the Guest must undertake a Club Induction and join FACTC to be eligible to shoot on the Club grounds.

FACTC offers instruction for both licensed and non-licensed individuals and these sessions are taken by a very experienced FACTC Committee Member. Bookings are required.

Firearm Security

The security of firearms whilst at the Club is the responsibility of the licensed owner. By Law you are required to ensure the firearm is secured/locked away when not in use. Your vehicles should be locked to further secure your firearms when not being used.

Firearms are not to be left unattended anywhere around the FACTC grounds.

Firearms are not permitted in the Club House or Office at any time.

Incident Reporting:

Should an incident/accident occur on FACTC grounds, however minor it may be, it MUST be reported to the Office. An incident report must be completed by the person reporting the incident/accident. Anyone else either involved or witness to the incident/accident should also complete an incident report.

Firearms License

It is a condition of Membership at FACTC that ALL Members MUST hold a current firearms license for the duration of their membership. Any changes to the status of a firearms license, including renewed firearms license details, MUST be reported to FACTC.

FACTC Membership Cards

All Members MUST have their FACTC Memership cards with them when on the grounds. The Membership card must be scanned at the office upon arrival to log your attendance. FACTC monitors attendance of all Members throughout the year and this is recorded in the database software.

Visitors Book

All Visitors, including Members’ spouses, guests, contractors etc MUST sign the Visitors Book in the office upon arrival at FACTC.

Avoid Alcohol or Drugs

Alcohol and drugs (even those prescribed), do not mix with firearms! Do not shoot with others who are, or have been, drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Report any such behavior to the Office immediately.

Steel Shot

Steel shot is NOT permitted to be used anywhere on FACTC grounds effective 1 July 2013.

Protective Clothing

Eye and ear protection MUST be worn when participating on FACTC grounds. It is also essential during competition that referees and scorers also wear eye and ear protection.

Suitable clothing is also required and items such as singlets, whilst participating, will not be permitted.

Fully enclosed footwear to be worn at all times during participation ie no open-toed shoes including thongs, sandals etc.

Sunscreen is also strongly recommended during the warmer months as shade on FACTC grounds is minimal.

The Committee and Club Management

The Committee is charged with the responsibility of running the Club on a day to day basis and ensuring that no one compromises the safety of another member through unauthorised activities on FACTC grounds. The Committee will take action against a member or visitor for any unauthorised activities, failure to adhere to safety rules or other reported incidents. Members or visitors may be asked to leave the grounds immediately if verbal warnings for misconduct are not adhered to.

The Committee of FACTC will apply disciplinary action as deemed necessary to ensure the safety of Members and the protection and safe use of property belonging to the Club. The Committee at its discretion, may issue warnings, suspend or cancel a Membership.